5 Fun and Easy Halloween Cookies

Fun and Easy Halloween Cookies

One of my favourite memories about Halloween included the sweets and treats. I am not so much thinking about the bags of candies, suckers and tootsie rolls we hauled home from our nights of trick or treatin’.
I am longing to have a taste of these colorful and spooky cookies, cupcakes and bars we made at home.
Bringing back, sweet memories, here are some of these classic Halloween cookies:


Witch’s Finger
You won’t mind these Witch’s fingers pointing at you. Color them green and you’ve got Ogre’s fingers!


Eyeball Cookies Recipe

Nothing as scary as a bowl of bloodshot eyes looking back at you!

Chewy Spider Cookies

Monsters?, Axe Murderer’s, Nah!! There is nothing as scary as big black spiders with red glowing eyes.  But don’t worry, everyone will love these cookies that are not only chocolatey and chewy, but also easy to make thanks to the Brownie cake mix.

jack olantern cookies

Jack O’Lantern Cookies

Halloween without a Jack’O Lantern? No way! So make sure you’ll add this cookie to your platter. What I love about these cheerful cookies is they are fast and easy to make, use a cookie cutter or simply outline the shape by hand.

 Frankenstein Cookies

Can’t have a Halloween cookie collection without this best know Monster. These Frankenstein cookies are more cute than scary, and I love the square and easy design. Simply use square cookie cutters or use your butter knife.




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